Joanie – Black Belt Advancement

Major, major congratulations to Joanie for her advancement to Black Belt in Ichikan Aikido. I thought her performance at the Demo was stellar. I’m very proud of her, so glad she is part of our dojo, and am excited about her contribution to our dojo community through her more “officially” being an Instructor. That is what is next on her plate for further development.
This particular Demo and advancement has several interesting things of note. Joanie was just awarded the 10th Black Belt given out by TenchiOneMartialArts (TOMA). Her Black Belt was also just the second Black Belt awarded in Ichikan Aikido, with the first Black Belt in Ichikan Aikido awarded to her husband Mark, who is now a Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt) and who has been one of the primary Instructors at our dojo for years. And finally, Joanie is the first female to receive a Black Belt at TOMA.
It was also very exciting for me to have the two gentlemen at the far right of the picture attend. On the far right is Frank and second from the right is Steve. They were two of my Instructors during my initial training in Aikido. I also served as the Uke for Steve’s Sandan test. I had not seen them in 15 years.
Can’t say enough good things about you Joanie. Most importantly … Congratulations!!!