Ichikan Aikido™ Basics

Ichikan Aikido™ is fundamentally an Aikido Art. As such, its foundation rests on Aikido philosophy, principles, and techniques. It was developed as a distinct Aikido Art because of the differences that it emphasizes in some of the techniques, and more importantly, by the way the Art itself is taught. The following are some of the core aspects of Aikido upon which Ichikan Aikido™ rests.

Aiki Taiso:

The Aiki Taiso are a set of exercises which cover some of the basic building blocks found in Aikido and cover the fundamental movements found in Aikido techniques

Nikyo undo Wrist Stretch: thumb down, fingers forward
Sankyo undo Wrist Stretch: thumb down, palm out
Kotegaeshi undo Wrist Stretch: thumb forward, fingers up

Tekubi-shindo undo Wrist Shaking with whole body

Funakogi undo Boat Rowing exercise
Katatetori Tenkan undo 180-Turning: extend and pivot around hand

Shomenuchi Ikkyo undo Arm Swinging upwards to protect face
Zengo undo Arm Swinging upwards with 180 rotation
Happo undo Arm Swinging upwards in eight directions

Tekubikosa undo Wrist Crossing exercise
Tekubi joho kosa undo Wrist Crossing exercise upward near face

Enkei undo Hand Circle near the Hara
Enkei Choyaku undo Enkei undo with step to the side
Sayu Enkei undo Enkei undo with 90° turn

Udefuri undo Arm Swinging exercise
Udefuri Choyaku undo Udefuri undo with a 180° step and turn

Ushirotori Zenponage undo Step forward and turn shoulders 90
Ushiro Tekubitori Zenshin-nage undo Step forward, kneel and bow
Ushiro Tekubitori Kotai undo Step to the side, kneel and bow

Koho Tento undo Backwards Rocking exercise

Ikkyo 1st Principle  –  forward arm twist/extension lead
Nikyo 2nd Principle –  wrist compression lead< Sankyo 3rd Principle  –  forward wrist twist/lead
Yonkyo 4th Principle  –  two-hand forearm compression lead
Gokyo 5th Principle  –  forearm twist lead with reverse grip
Rokkyu 6th Principle  –  arm bar
Reverse Ikkyo Backward arm twist
Kotegaeshi Reverse wrist compression lead
Hijiotoshi Elbow drop
Reverse Hijiotoshi Rear elbow drop
Makiotoshi Spiral shoulder drop
Shiho-Nage Four direction throw
Kaiten-Nage Rotary/Wheel throw
Tenchi-Nage Heaven and earth throw
Koshi-Nage Hip throw
Irimi-Nage Entering throw
Kokyu-Nage Breath throw (no joint lock)
Zempo Nage Throw forward
Sumi Otoshi Corner drop
Irimi Otoshi Entering drop
Sayu Sideways … to the side
Hijigatame Elbow lock
Hantai Opposite
Sasoikomi To lure in

Basic Attacks:
Front Grabs:
Katate Dori Same side single wrist grab/hold
Katate Kosa Dori Cross hand single wrist grab/hold
Katate Ryote Dori 2-hands grab/hold both wrists
Kata Ryote Mochi 2-hands grab/hold one wrist

Mune Tuski Straight punch to the stomach/solar plexus
Yokomen Uchi Circular strike to the side of the head
Shomen Uchi Vertical/overhead strike to the head

Rear Grabs:
Ushiro Tekubi Tori Any grab/hold
Ushiro Ryote Dori Both hands held
Ushiro Hiji Tori Elbow grab/hold
Ushiro Kate Tori Shoulder or lapel grab/hold
Ushirokatatedori Kubishime Choke with one wrist held
Katate Kosa Dori Ushiro Mawari 1 wrist held and reaching for 2nd wrist
Futari Ryote Dori: 2 people pulling opposite direction