Ichikan Aikido

Keys Principles In Operation:

True Victory Is Victory Over Oneself  (Masakatsu Agatsu)

Defeat is the inevitable outcome of unconscious actions.  These actions are produced by what we think, and what we think comes from what we believe.  Far too often, we are not aware of what we believe.  Therefore, the path to True Victory leads us through ourselves.  The means is Mindfulness/Awareness.  Victory is achieved when we expose our unknown and/or erroneous beliefs, and change them.

Maintain A Loving Protection of all Things 

The context of our existence is relationship.  Simply said, we are in relationship with everything, and our ongoing experience is that of relating to our world.  Therefore, it is essential that we strive to honor relationship.  When we do, we clearly see that another’s needs are no different than our own.  Paradoxically, loving and protecting another is actually an aspect of our taking care of ourselves.

Work in Harmony With the Universe

The source of all of our effort and strain is our “being at odds” with the Universe, with what is occurring in our lives.  We are “at odds” only because we have failed to recognize that what is occurring is governed by certain principles, principles as simple as gravity or balance.  Harmony is easily restored when we align with those principles, as opposed to fighting them.

Appreciation of “Ki”

“Ki” is most often understood as energy.  It is based on the idea that the mind and body are connected.  They work together in this way:  mind is expressed through the body and our thinking is made manifest in our actions.  Intentionality is at the heart of this process.  Our intentionality creates the energy which makes it all flow.


Key Principles In Application:

Control the First Move  (Shodo O Seisu)

Our initial response to any encounter is the most crucial.  It should always be based on safety.  That can be accomplished by merely getting out of the way of an attack, getting off the line of the oncoming force.  It can also be accomplished by redirecting a force and in doing so, change what is occurring.

Minimize Conflict

Conflict arises when the energy or force of an attack is met with energy or force.  This usually leads to an escalation of hostility or aggression.  Whenever possible, it is optimal to avoid directly taking on the energy or force of an attack.  Instead, the goal  should be to find a way to be “in relationship” with whatever is occurring and to look for a more peaceful resolution.

Circular Motion

We tend to think of all that occurs in life from a linear perspective.  Our “force vs force” mentality is a result of such linear thinking.  Linear thinking basically entails a notion of winning and losing, and we exert a great deal of energy trying to be a winner and to avoid being a loser.  Thinking of our actions as being circular or spherical in nature changes that.  It extracts a lot of the tension out of what is occurring, and makes what we do not only infinitely more powerful, but surprisingly effortless.


Our common response to uncomfortable situations is usually resistance.  We just want them to end, so the last thing on our minds is the idea of being in relationship with them.  To blend is to meet or join with what is occurring.  It opens up otherwise unrecognized possibilities, like softening or synchronizing ourselves with another’s energy.    

Maintain Connection

Once in relationship with what is occurring, it is imperative to maintain relationship.  The primary means of doing so is through physical contact.  That contact is the point of transmission of a great deal of information.  The appropriate next action in any given situation can usually be found there.

Range of Effectiveness

This idea is core to the Practice of this way of thinking, and fundamental to applying these ideas in physical action.  This addresses the idea of operating through “Center.”  “Center” is learning about where and how one is grounded and can remain in balance.  It is the source of power and efficiency.  It is also the means by which compromise can be limited, and vulnerability reduced.

Open / Blend / Lead / Release

This is a basic structure for understanding how to move through a technique.  To Open captures several ideas.  It means to be accept what is occurring, make way for it, get out of the way of the initial energy or force of an attack.  Blending apples to being in relationship with an Opponent, literally making contact with them, and  aligning with their energy.  Leading means directing the energy of an attack towards some end, like to the ground, a roll, or a flip.  To Release means to bring the incident to completion and move away to safety.