Article by Tim Hald: How Many Ways Can We Love One Another
Ichican Aikido is the focus of this article with the mention and discussion of other styles that developed out of O’Sensei’s original vision.
What is Aikido – The word ‘Aikido’ in Japanese is made up of three characters or kanji. (The squiggly things looks like you were riding a horse while writing) Here is Aikido in kanji – you’ve seen it in the dojo but maybe did not know
The first is ‘Ai’ which means to meet, to come together, ‘to harmonize’ blend. In Japanese this also means ‘love’ and this is the truer translation of the word, as O Sensei used it.
The second kanji is ki which means literally steam or vapour, but has come to mean in modern Japanese, the mind, the soul, the spirit. In the larger context ‘Ki’ means ‘spirit or force of the Universe’, and not just the spirit of mere human beings. To me – KI is the most important character, it evokes the breath of life, the vital forces. We/I use it in every technique with the aim of controlling it and directing it.
The third and last character is ‘DO’ which means ‘the way‘, as in Ken-Do or Ju-Do, to signify that the study of Aikido does not involve only techniques based purely in self defence, but includes positive character building ideals which people can incorporate into their daily lives.
Thus, in a physical training sense Aikido means ‘the Way of Harmonizing the Body and Universal Spirit’ but in a deeper sense it also means loving the world and all who live in it. Hard for some to love; Aikido can teach you this too.
Frank says – Ichikan Aikido is founded on the the Principles that O’Sensei discovered and our Ichican style is soft and emphasizes the minimal exertion of energy. At the heart of that is the emphasis on being in one’s Center and being in relationship with an “opponent” and a given situation. “Ichikan” means one space or one interval. Understanding those as being fundamental to our existence in space and time is what makes Ichikan Aikido unique. They capture the essence of balance and process, the underlying foundation for why any technique works.
The cornerstone of Frank’s system is to: “Maintain a loving protection of all things” as was/is O’Sensei. And, maximum extraction of any extraneous energy.
Fortunately, “O Sensei” left behind other Principles to guide us and that Frank uses and teaches. They include concepts such as: work in harmony with the universe, minimize conflict, and blend with what is occurring.
One of the many things I like is Frank’s concepts that in getting the “one inch of balance” in “one second” and the loving protection of all things
Various other Styles to Love
1. Aikikai
The largest aikido organization, and is led by the family of the founder. Numerous sub-organisations and teachers affiliate themselves with this umbrella organisation, which therefore encompasses a wide variety of aikido styles, training methods and technical differences. Prominent sub-organisations include numeral national Aikikai, as well as several US based including United States Aikido Federation (USAF) and Aikido Schools of Ueshiba (ASU).
2. Yoshinkan
Founded by Gozo Shioda, this branch has a reputation for being the most rigidly precise. Students of Yoshinkan aikido practise basic movements as solo kata, and this style has been popular among the Japanese police. The international organisation associated with the Yoshinkan style of aikido is known as the Yoshinkai, and has active branches in many parts of the world.
3. Yoseikan
This form was developed by Minoru Mochizuki, who was an early student of O Sensei and also of Jigoro Kano at the Kodokan. This style includes elements of aiki-budo together with aspects of karate, judo and other arts. It is now carried on by his son, Hiroo Mochizuki, the creator of Yoseikan Budo.
4. Shodokan Aikido
Often called Tomiki aikido, after its founder, this style use sparring and rule based competition in training as opposed to most others. People tend to compete to train rather than to train to compete. Kenji Tomiki, an early student of O Sensei and also of Judo’s Jigoro Kano, believed that introducing an element of competition would serve to sharpen and focus the practice since it was no longer tested in real combat. This latter view was the cause of a split with O Sensei’s family who firmly believed that there was no place for competition in aikido training. Tomiki said that at no point did O Sensei actually cast him out.
5. Ki Society
The Ki Society, founded by former head-instructor of the Hombu dojo 10th dan Koichi Tohei, emphasises very soft flowing techniques and has a special program for the development of ki. It also has a special system of ki-ranks alongside the traditional kyu and dan system. This style is called Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido (or Ki-Aikido).
6. Iwama Ryu
Iwama Ryu emphasises the relation between weapon techniques and barehand techniques, and a great deal of emphasis is placed on weapons training. Since the death of its founder Morihiro Saito, the Iwama style has been practiced by clubs within the Aikikai and an independent organisation headed by Hitohiro Saito. Saito sensei was a long time uchideshi of O Sensei, beginning in 1946 and staying with him through his death. Many consider that Saito sensei was the student who spent most time directly studying with O Sensei. Saito sensei said he was trying to preserve and teach the art exactly as the founder of aikido taught it to him. Technically, Iwama-ryu seems to resemble the aikido O Sensei was teaching in the early 50s mainly in the Iwama dojo. The technical repertoire is fairly large.
Iwama Ryu Aikido, currently headed by Saito Hitohiro, is a separate organisation from the Aikikai. The Iwama Dojo is currently affiliated to the Aikikai and is not considered a separate style. Many instructors who were deeply influenced by Saito Morihiro consider themselves Iwama Style, however.
7. Shin’ei Taido
Founded by the late Noriaki Inoue, nephew of Morihei Ueshiba.
8. Yoshokai
Yoshokai aikido, begun by then-hachidan Takashi Kushida-sensei of Yoshinkan aikido, is a remarkably centralised style of aikido, with test techniques yearly passed down with explanations from the home dojo. The syllabus contains a considerable amount of weapons study, and like Yoshinkan, Yoshokai includes many solo movements and exercises.
9. Tendoryu Aikido
Headed by Kenji Shimizu.
10. Shin Budo Kai
Headed by Shizuo Imaizumi.
11. Kokikai
Kokikai aikido, founded by Shuji Maruyama in 1986, focuses on minimalist but effective technique. It emphasises natural stances and ukemi that do not require high breakfalls, and deemphasises atemi and techniques that cause pain or undue discomfort to uke. As such, it is considered by some to be a “soft” style of aikido.
12. Seidokan
Headed by Rod Kobayashi. Tends to utilise movements which are very small and economical. Encourages students to discover an aikido which is truly their own, stresses the importance of doing away with the extraneous and focusing on that which works.
13. Nippon Kan
Headed by Gaku Homma.
14. Tenshin
Headed by Luis Santos. The style of Steven Seagal. It is considered a “hard” style of aikido, focussing on the practical side of aikido and using techniques that in real world situations would be effective and sometimes brutal. Though there are few dojos in the United States, the number is growing.
15. Nihon Goshin Aikido
Headed by Richard Bowe. It is considered a “hard” style of aikido, combining techniques from Karate, Judo and Daito-Ryu Aikijutsu. There are roughly a dozen dojos in the United States and none left in Japan. Founded by Shoto Morita in Japan circa 1950. Derivative styles include Nihon Goshin Aikijutsu founded by Walter Kopitov in 2000.
16. Tenchin Budo Kai Aikido
Headed By Frank Ani Jr. This is a “hard” style Aikido, combining the basics of Tenshin and general Aikikai styles together. It also includes techniques from Aikijujutsu making it a very practical and street effective version of Aikido. Only a few qualified instructors teach this style of Aikido.